press kit - kā tulkot?
Vai "press kit" latviski būtu "preses informācijas komplekts"? Kāds ir pašlaik vispārpieņemtais apzīmējums?
Interesanti, ka "preses materiāli" ir kaut kas CITS, respektīvi, publikācijas presē.
Termina skaidrojums (trijās versijās)
A press kit, often referred to as a media kit in business environments, is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials of a person, company, or organization distributed to members of the media for promotional use.
press kit = promotional material for media: a package of background and promotional material relating to a product, distributed to the media by a publicist or publicity department
A packaged set of promotional materials, such as photographs and background information, for distribution to the press, as at a news conference or before the release of a new product.