Re: kognitīvisms vai kognitīvistika
Katram vārdam ir sava vieta. Kognitīvisms ir skola un pieeja, kognitīvistika (cognitive science) - pētniecdības nozare (izziņas zinātne).
K o g n i t ī v i s m a definīciju piemēri:
In contrast to behaviourism this school of thought claims that psychology should be concerned with a person's internal representations of the world and with the internal or functional organization of the mind. See also computationalism, functionalism. www.informatics.susx.ac.uk/books/computers-and-thought/gloss/node1.html
In ethics, cognitivism is the view that ethical sentences express propositions. See also non-cognitivism. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitivism_(ethics)
In psychology cognitivism is a theoretical approach to understanding the mind, which argues that mental function can be understood by quantitative, positivist and scientific methods, and that such functions can be described as information processing models. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitivism_(psychology)
K o g n i t ī v i s t i k a s definīciju piemēri:
The field of cognitive science consists of an interdisciplinary study of the structures of the human mind. These structures include our sensory/perceptual apparatus, such as vision, audition, olfaction; internal mental processes such as language, thinking, reasoning and problem solving; motor control and the organization of skilled behavior such as speech and musical performance; memory; consciousness; attention; and many other aspects of mind. All of these subfields are clearly intertwined. ... cnmat.cnmat.berkeley.edu/People/Vijay/02.%20Defining%20terms.html
The study of thinking and learning, currently being contributed to by researchers in a wide variety of disciplinary and multidisciplinary fields from developmental psychology to medicine. www.iit.edu/~ipro372f04/definitions.htm
Examines if everything that humans know as history, scientific knowledge and religious and political beliefs is created by humans through their language and vocabulary. OR, are there some things that we know mainly in the area of nature and science that every human would see and understand in the same way? 2+2=4 is an objective statement with the same meaning for everyone, if the items counted are stones, or eggs from the same chicken. ... www.greeleynet.com/~cnotess/gloss.htm
The study of intelligence, embracing various academic disciplines: linguistics, experimental psychology, computer science, philosophy, neuroscience. www.geocities.com/templarser/complexglos.html
the scientific project dedicated to understanding the processes and representations underlying intelligent action. www.brunel.ac.uk/~cssrmjp/homefiles/DCog_definitions.html
The study of human intelligence and of the symbol-processing nature of cognition. www.translationbureau.gc.ca/pwgsc_internet/fr/publications/gratuit_free/man_termino/glossaire_e.htm
the field of science concerned with cognition; includes parts of cognitive psychology and linguistics and com